Flag Identification Symbols
National Flag Variants By Use
National Flags generally fall into 6 categories.
Civil Flag
State Flag
War Flag
Civil Ensign
State Ensign
War Ensign
Often the same flag is used for multiple categories. In these cases the symbols are combined to show all the categories.
Example 1: The flag of the United Kingdom
which is used as the National flag in all contexts, but not as an ensign 
Example 2: The flag of the United States
which is used as the National flag and ensign in all contexts 
Example 3: The State flag of Germany
which is used as the State flag, state ensign, and war flag 
Some countries also use flags that don't fit into these categories.
For Example: The British Civil Air Ensign
which is used at civil aviation establishments and on civil aircraft in place of the National flag 
Other symbols
Normal or de jure version of flag, or obverse side
Design was proposed in the past, but never officially adopted
Design is a reconstruction, based on past observations
Reverse side of flag
Design is an acceptable variant
Alternative version of flag
De facto version of flag
Flag has different designs on its obverse side and its reverse side
Obverse side meant to be hoisted with pole to the observer's right
Design officially authorized to represent nation by government of that nation
Design used in the past, but now abandoned
Reverse side is mirror image of obverse side
Reverse side is congruent to obverse side
Information on reverse side is not available
Flag can be hung vertically by hoisting on a normal pole, then turning the pole ninety degrees
Flag can be hung vertically by rotating the design first
Vertical hoist method of flag is unknown
Design has no element which can be rotated
Flags can/should only be hoisted vertically
My Flags
Flags I created for a hypothetical Nation of my own
Civil Flag

State Flag

War Flag

Civil Ensign

State Ensign

War Ensign